Want to get more involved with the space? Apply to be a superuser!
Become a student volunteer to help maintain equipment, train and teach other users, and grow your own skills! Perks for superusers include off-hour access to the space, private storage lockers, and working with an amazing community of makers.
Before applying, make sure you meet all of the prerequisites:
A full semester of active membership at the Makerspace
Proficiency of the following tools:
Thunderlaser laser cutter
Ultimaker 3D printers
Vinyl cutter (Roland or Cricut)
Electronics Soldering
A fifth tool/equipment of your choice
Ability to teach and instruct other users
Knowledge of Makerspace Safety Policies
Once you’re confident that you’ve satisfied these prerequisites, please apply below:
Submit an application through this google form
Upon receipt, you will be asked to give a 5-10 minute equipment training demonstration on one of the above tools listed at the monthly superuser meeting.
You will will receive your application result within a week of your demonstration.
You can contact us with any questions regarding the process at surequest_makerspace@columbia.edu
Superuser Responsibilities
Superusers make up the core staff of the Makerspace. We volunteer our time to open the space, maintain tools, promote safety, and help users with their projects. Superusers have the following responsibilities:
2 hours minimum of Office Hours per week, during which you will provide active training and guidance for users
4 hours minimum of Open Hours per month, during which you will keep the space open, but not necessarily train users
A seminar/workshop once a semester
Answering questions on the mailing list/listserv
Keeping the space a safe and clean environment
Running On-boardings for new users
Taking responsibility for and maintaining a tool or station within the space
Superuser Benefits
As a student volunteer at the Makerspace, you will receive several benefits:
24/7 swipe access to the Makerspace
$100/month materials budget for display and demonstration projects for the Makerspace
Training on more advanced equipment
Technical experience helping other students!